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An interior designer mother and film publicist daughter have teamed up to target an undeserved market: homeowners who would normally not hire an interior designer, but who yearn to express their inner aesthetic on a budget. Sourcing from estate sales and stylish discount furnishing outlets, the duo access their own “sophisticated, original and quirky” sensibilities while interpreting the needs of their clients.
Evergreens bring color and form to the winter landscape when flowers are gone and other trees are bare and gray. Evergreens, as their name implies, stay green all year around. And they’re not just green. They come in vivid bright greens, deep forest greens, soft blue-greens, even bright gold. There are blue-toned varieties of Atlas cedar, spruce, false cypress, Leyland cypress and juniper. For golds look into Japanese holly, junipers, Leyland cypress, false cypress and Scotch pine. Some evergreens take on ruddy or bronze tones in winter.