Coldwell Banker Beau Hulse Realty Group

slide11Beau Hulse Realty Group Inc., a well known boutique real estate brokerage firm in the Hamptons, is now affiliated with Coldwell Banker and has offices in Southampton and Quogue Villages.

HRES: Congratulations on your affiliation with Coldwell Banker. Can you tell us how this came about?
HULSE: We were approached by Coldwell Banker last May. It all started with an invitation to Coldwell Banker/Realogy International Headquarters in Madison, N.J. The two-day presentation of the Global brand with discussions of its story of leadership, innovation & success dating back to 1906; its presence in 49 countries; 3,100 offices worldwide and over 84,000 sales associates worldwide was the beginning of joining forces with the Global Leader in Real Estate.

HRES: Beau Hulse Realty Group has had many successful years as a boutique real estate brokerage. So why join forces with Coldwell Banker?
HULSE: We remain independently owned and operated. This partnership is a win-win situation in which our independent brokers & agents receive a competitive edge by aligning with a respected global brand that offers unmatched resources and marketing power. With only 23% of applicants being approved and the fact that we were approached by them, awarded the Coldwell Banker Franchise & Previews International designation, it was inevitable that we continue on this path.

HRES: Can you tell us about your plans moving forward as Coldwell Banker Beau Hulse Realty Group?
HULSE: We are extremely excited to be able to offer our brokers & agents the most innovative products, platforms, websites and global affiliates in order for them to grow and perfect their business within our business. Clients and customers know the Coldwell Banker brand and are
contacting us with open arms. As we say in Rotary “Service Before Self ” and with that said, we are proof that it all comes back ten fold.
HRES: Where are you located and do you plan to expand from here?
HULSE: Currently, we are located in Southampton & Quogue Villages.

For More Information:
Broker Owners
Coldwell Banker
Beau Hulse Realty Group
631.287.7707 / 631.653.5900