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The decision to renovate a less-than-stellar property rather than tear it down is a lady-or-the-tiger-ish dilemma. Only once you’ve made your choice will you...
New York City and the Hamptons have one of the oldest and most successful marriages in real estate history. Like many couples...
D. Porthault Bedding - Coeurs and Etoiles Blue. From $295 to $2,800. ...
Bring the outside in with a large planted terrarium from Homenature in Southampton. They are a modern ...
While good cooking may be an expression of love, designing a spectacular kitchen for your parents is an expression of high style and filial devotion...
Eager to escape the doldrums of winter as the days get just a little longer, spring cleaning offers us the chance to begin anew...
East coast to west, and a few stops in between, jet setting interior designer James McAdam’s work often complements nature, even in the digital age...
Add a pop of blue hue to warm up your winter home ...
Something about walking into a bright, white kitchen feels positive. It seems refreshing, like a bowl of fruit or a cold bottle of water from the fridge...
Lisa Fireman Dorhout’s business card reads “Designer, Educator,