Outdoor Decor

Bring family together outside this summer with some of these stylish products for the outdoors.

Outdoor Shower
From the iconic “Big Apples,” to sleek solar-showers that connect to a garden hose, to an array of fabulous accessories, Couture Outdoor has an uncanny ability to mesmerize while consistently transcending expectations. Clients also prize their bespoke service, including expert installation and optimization, from yearly pre-season setup to post-season provisions.
Couture Outdoor | 631.287.7848 | coutureoutdoor.com

Cotton Chord Chair
Casual yet cool, this reminiscent chair was first designed in the 1950s using slick vinyl cord. Our chair uses soft but sturdy cotton cord in natural to create a comfortable occasional chair for use indoors or in covered areas. Cotton cords are hand-dyed. Available at the Unlimited Earth Care Concept Store for $250
Unlimited Earth Care |631.725.7551 | unlimitedearthcare.com

Tuxedo sofa
This outdoor furniture comes in solid stainless steel or epoxy coated steel. Both frames are electrostatically powder coated. The stainless steel range seen here is marine grade and will not rust! Perfect for homes on the ocean! Furniture frames are available in three different finishes: Espresso Brown, Corsica Black & Alabaster White. Custom finishes are available. Choose from hundreds on Sunbrella fabrics in our fabric department at Bridgehampton store. Pricing for the “Tuxedo” Sofa from $4,250 in black stainless steel.
English Country Home | 631.537.0606 | ecantiques.com

Seletti’s Industry Garden Furniture
An update of decorative ironwork chairs and tables, which became popular towards the end of the 18th century and are still common today. They retained the curvaceous forms of the legs, but replaced the perforated swirling patterns traditionally used across the flat surfaces with garden-related imagery including flowers and butterflies. Table is $300. Chairs are $200 each.
Unlimited Earth Care | 631.725.7551 | unlimitedearthcare.com

Dining Table
Le Grande Dame of Dining. Modular center with champagne bucket insert and serving tray for shrimp, oysters or even better—CAVIAR! Create a different table as easy as accessorizing an outfit.
Couture Outdoor | 631.287.7848 | coutureoutdoor.com