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“There’s only two entertaining trends that return each season to the Hamptons. Al Fresco affairs and blue & white will always delight.”...
To say that interior designer Iris Zonlight loves monochromatic colors is an understatement. In her own Sag Harbor home, the principal of Blue Ocean ...
For most haute Hamptonites there is no home without a glorious garden…and there is no garden without an incredible team...
You’re putting your home on the market: to stage or not to stage? Industry professionals and trade groups like to cite a federal Department of Housing ...
Accessories are what makes or marks a woman,” proclaimed Coco Chanel. We think they make or mark a garden too....
The East End of Long Island is known for our beautiful beaches, farm fields, equestrian heritage and commercial fishing industry. Artists revere the ...
Interior designer Kim Radovich says “As a kid your family decides who you are. I was the artist in the family.” As such, she was sent to the School of Art and Design in Manhattan. Afterwards she ...
Time to forget those grey winter days and march into spring with a bold new color palette...
In flower gardens and landscapes, spring begins with bulbs. Here on the East End some of the earliest—and most welcome—color in our landscapes and gardens comes from bulbs. Their bright...
The folks at Blaze Makoid Architecture in Bridgehampton are currently working with several clients with serious art collections – not an easy task when you’re dealing with glass houses. The ...