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The window itself as art taps in to the human spirit, inviting the viewer to consider the inside looking out as well as the outside looking in.
Take youthful energy, mix it with a classic renaissance sensibility, add a dash of fashion flare and you will have artist Megan Euell...
The art of Jojo Anavim
Atlantic Beach by Beth Barry
In times of stress and unrest – there is the undeniable draw of nature, the certainty that no matter how bad things get, the sun continues to rise and set every day.
Photographer Eric Striffler is all about the Joie de Vivre...
Melinda Hackett who has a home and studio in Southampton creates distinctive and colorful circular designs in many of her paintings which capture the human spirit on both an aesthetic and soulful level...
Photographer Danielle Leef Takes Refuge in Nature...
Michele Dragonetti Captures Maritime History One Hull at a Time...